Project by Texty.org.ua dedicated to illegal mining of amber in Ukraine has been nominated for a prestigious Prix Europa award in online category.13/07/2018
Data Journalism Agency has presented an online map with marked locations of illegal amber mining in Polissya. The map covers the territory of three Ukrainian regions – Zhytomyr, Volyn and Rivne. The places where severe mining is going on have been detected from satellite photos by Google Maps and Bing Maps. The photos chosen were of high quality dimension that provided an opportunity for monitoring.”13/07/2018
At the beginning of the event 1st deputy head of The State Water Resources Agency Mykhailo Khoriev expressed his support for open data policy and emphasized the importance of open data for a transparent and efficient work of governmental bodies. According to Mr.Khoriev The Agency provided some data that had been included into Clear Water project and that experience was a successful one. And in the future The State Water Resources Agency would continue to open its data sets.13/07/2018
An online instrument, first of such type in Ukraine, for public monitoring of greenery planting «Kropyvnytskyi in Green» has been presented by Kropyvnytskyi City Council and Data Journalism Agency. It is made on the basis of open data, published by city council, and it allows all those who are interested to be informed about municipal plans on planting, trimming and cutting of the trees in this regional city.Our mission is to enhance the transparency of the authorities and governing bodies through the development of high quality journalism and data journalism, which is about analyzing big data and bringing it up to broad audience in an interesting and comprehensible manner. Through the analysis of big data we seek to promote the higher quality of decision-making among politicians, officials and citizens. We are working toward the promotion of “digital culture” among politicians, civil servants and civil society.
Chairman of the board. Vice Director of The Association of Middle East Studies.
Board member. Graphics editor at The Wall Street Journal. Winner of The Data Journalism Awards 2017
Board member. Founder and chief editor of “Novynarnya” online media